Барахович П.Н. - Б - Каталог статей - Города и остроги земли Сибирской
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Начало » Статьи » Б » Барахович П.Н.

В категории материалов: 3
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Настоящая статья посвящена казачьим головам Центральной Сибири XVII - начала XVIII вв. Их появление в сибирских городах и острогах было связано с усложнением системы управления войском из-за постепенного роста количества сибирских служилых людей. Данные должности были производными от должностей стрелецких голов Европейской России. Казачьи головы обладали широкими полномочиями и являлись прообразами органов военной власти и военной юстиции.

This article is dedicated to the Cossack heads of Central Siberia in the XVII - early XVIII centuries. Their appearance in Siberian cities and fortresses was connected with the complexity of command and control system due to the gradual increase in the number of Siberian military men. These positions were derived from the positions of Streltsy's heads in European Russia. Cossack heads had broad powers and were the prototype of the military authorities and the military justice system.

Барахович П.Н. | Просмотров: 1326 | Добавил: ostrog | Дата: 2016-08-15 | Комментарии (0)

Настоящая статья посвящена имущественному положению красноярского атамана Милослава Иванова сына Кольцова и его роли в общественной жизни. Рассмотрены вопросы о денежном и хлебном жаловании атамана, его землевладении, а также о его участии и роли в отношениях представителей центральной власти и красноярского служилого «мира». Изучение таких аспектов деятельности сибирских служилых людей связано с тем, что они играли заметную роль в хозяйственной жизни региона и сильно влияли на социально-политический климат в сибирских городах и острогах. Атаман Кольцов как представитель «служилой элиты» своего острога был лидером своей служилой «корпорации», выступал представителем казачьей массы перед лицом государственной власти. Бывали случаи, когда Кольцов конфликтовал со своими сослуживцами.

The main theme of the article is to describe the financial position of the Krasnoyarsk Cossack Ataman Miloslav Ivanovich Koltsov and his activity in public life. The paper discusses the problems of land ownership and money salary of the functionary. The cultural level, the role in the relations of representatives of the central government and the Krasnoyarsk administration are mentioned too. Miloslav Koltsov was the native of the big trade city Velikiy Ustyug. Having got to Siberia, he became one of participants of a campaign of Andrey Dubenskii on the Red Yar in 1627-1628. His father, Ivan Koltsov was the ataman of one of three hundred Cossacks of Dubenskii. Miloslav Ivanov participated in campaigns against the Yenisei Kyrgyz together with the father. During the Cossack revolt in 1629 in the Krasnoyarsk fortress Ivan Koltsov was killed. As well as his father, Miloslav Ivanov became an ataman in 1663. His life was connected with creation of the Krasnoyarsk fortress. He served there as the initial person to the death in the middle of the 1660s. Miloslav Ivanov Koltsov’s destiny represents a striking example of personal social dynamics in the Russian state of the 17th century. The native of the circle of common people taken in servicemen people he reached a top position as Siberian nobleman. Despite such tragedy as his father’s death from hands of colleagues, Miloslav Koltsov remained one of leaders the servicemen of the Krasnoyarsk fortress. He directed the most important campaigns of Krasnoyarsk citizens in the first half of the 17th century against the Yenisei Kyrgyz and the Buryat tribes. Miloslav Koltsov had a high social status and was respected by population of Krasnoyarsk district. He enjoyed great prestige among the Cossacks. His relationship with the Krasnoyarsk servile mass evolved not quite exactly, however, the Siberian Cossacks supported their leader. Miloslav Ivanovich was marked by central government, receiving the rank of boyar son with a rather large salary. According to his rank Koltsov was the owner of vast territory in spite of the negative attitude of the state to the alienation of the Siberian land servitors. Attention is drawn to the high level of his education. Koltsov took care of the monastery buildings in the Krasnoyarsk district. In general, we can say that one of the founders and the first inhabitants of the Krasnoyarsk fortress Ataman Miloslav Koltsov was a brilliant representative of the elite Siberian servitor. Ataman Koltsov did not trust the Cossack self-government during the military campaigns, but remained faithful to the law protecting the interests of Krasnoyarsk Cossacks from provincial abuse.

Барахович П.Н. | Просмотров: 1294 | Добавил: ostrog | Дата: 2016-08-25 | Комментарии (0)

Настоящая работа представляет собой публикацию источников о службе русских стрельцов и казаков на «великой реке» Лене в 1633—1634 гг. с атаманом И.А. Галкиным. Челобитные служилых людей и их послужные списки имеют большое значение для исследователей, поскольку позволяют детально изучить многие события раннего периода присоединения Сибири к России, а также пролить свет на ряд аспектов военного делопроизводства в России XVII столетия.

On the basis of different sources the author considers the service of Russian Cossacks and archers on the "great river" Lena in 1633—1634, with the chieftain (ataman) I.A. Galkin. The petitions of service people and their military registers are important for researchers because they allow examining in depth many events of the early period of joining Siberia to Russia, as well as shed light on some aspects of the military documentation management in Russia of the XVII century.

Барахович П.Н. | Просмотров: 1247 | Добавил: ostrog | Дата: 2017-04-10 | Комментарии (0)


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