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В статье проанализирована роль династии Романовых в формировании православного ландшафта Зауралья в XVII в. Показано участие государственной власти в возведении и обеспечении приходских храмов и монастырей. Прослежено появление в Зауралье церквей, посвященных небесным покровителям царственных особ.

The article analyzes the role of the Romanovs dynasty in the formation of the Orthodox landscape the Transuralian region in the XVII century. The article shows the extent of the government participation in the construction and provision of parochial churches and monasteries. It traces the emergence in the Transuralian region of the churches dedicated to the heavenly patrons of the members of the royal family.

Манькова И.Л. | Просмотров: 818 | Добавил: ostrog | Дата: 2015-12-14 | Комментарии (0)

Представлена апробация авторской методики реконструкции православного ландшафта средневекового города на примере Тюмени XVII - первой половины XVIII в. На основе обширной источниковой базы показана история появления и размещения церквей, монастырей и часовен в городском пространстве, проанализированы выбор и изменения посвящений храмовых престолов. Формирование православного ландшафта Тюмени началось с основания города, когда в административном центре были построены зимняя и летняя церкви. По мере увеличения городской застройки появлялись приходские церкви. Традиционно монастыри строились на окраинах города. Особенностью Тюмени было то, что на ее территории изначально существовал исламский ландшафт. Развитие нового конфессионального ландшафта шло путем не замещения более раннего, а территориального разграничения с помощью сакральных объектов.

The approbation of an author’s technique of the reconstruction of the orthodox landscape of the medieval city on the example of Tyumen of the 17th - the first half of the 18th centuries is presented in the article. On the basis of the published and archival documents the history of emergence and the placement of the churches, the monasteries and the chapels are shown in city space. The formation of the orthodox landscape of Tyumen began with the foundation of the town when in the administrative center winter and summer churches were constructed. In the process of the increase in the population and the growth of the territory of the city, there was a construction of the parish churches and the formation of the arrivals. By 1623/24 such churches became 5, from them 4 were the complexes consisting of summer and winter churches. No later than 1623 at parish Ilyinsky church, there was a female monastic community. In the first half of the 18th century in Tyumen 8 parish churches were. The tradition of the construction of church complexes disappeared.
The feature of Tyumen was that an Islamic landscape was in its territory initially. The development of a new confessional landscape went the way not of the replacement of earlier, but the territorial differentiation by means of the sacral objects. In particular, such function was carried out by parish Voznesenskay Church in part of the city over the river. The construction of Preobrazhenskij man’s monastery on the northern border (1616) and Alekseevsky convent on the southern border of the city (1659/60) became an important indicator of the strengthening of the orthodox landscape. These objects designated the borders of the orthodox landscape of Tyumen and carried out sacral function of the protection.
For the 17th century, there were the changes in a choice of the dedications of the holy tables of city churches. First of all, the list of the saints were changed. It was connected with the change of the monarchs on the Russian throne, the dedications of the churches in the honor of their heavenly patrons consigned to the past together with them. By the beginning of the 18th century there were less the churches names in honor of the saints because generally, the churches with one holy table were under construction, and the side-altars most often were named in honor of the saints. If in 1623/24 7 from 9 holy tables were devoted of the saints, in 1741 only 3 from 9 holy tables had the names in honor of them. The orthodox landscape of Tyumen was generally created to the second half of the 17th century. Further changes were expressed in the replacement of wooden churches with stone constructions.


Манькова И.Л. | Просмотров: 1339 | Добавил: ostrog | Дата: 2016-05-04 | Комментарии (0)


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